Let's face it, folks. Americans, for the most part, are lazy. Why walk 2 blocks to the store when you can drive? Why cook a nice, relatively nutritious, home-made meal at home, when you can zip over to the nearest fast food grease joint and clog your arteries there? I can (sorta) deal with those.
HOWEVER...this one takes the cake: I was walking into a local grocery store...let me call it "Really Large American National Bird", and saw a sign that made me shake my head in disbelief. What did it say? "European mixed hardwood" over a stack of firewood. Right next to another stack with a sign that said "European White Birch". ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?!?!?! Now we are importing firewood?! We have tons of people practically begging for jobs, and we have to send out for wood. Instead of using an automated piece of machinery to split logs for firewood (yes, I know it's cheaper for the companies to use), put a few people to work chopping wood. Not only would you be helping them by giving them a job, but you'd be making them healthier on top of it. Is that BAD for America? To most companies, it is: invest as little money as possible in material and employees, and sell for maximum profit. I get that and understand that companies need to make money.
On the other hand, if people aren't working, THEY aren't making money, and therefore have none to spend, and therefore are NOT going to buy your piece of crap Widget that cost you $1.00 to have built, and are selling for $30.00. NOT GOING TO FUCKING HAPPEN!!!