Friday, November 11, 2011

Remember the Veterans

Not every veteran carried a gun, flew a plane, or drove a route that was constantly trapped with explosives.  Remember, the people that do the mundane tasks of repairing vehicles, maintaining aircraft, making sure that the ships work correctly, and cooking the food are also veterans.  In the U.S. military, even the peons help make sure that things work correctly and that their fellow members are taken care of.  So, on this Veteran’s Day, make sure that you tip your hat to, shake hands with, or say thank you to not only the combat troops…but also the ones that make sure the machine runs at all.
A former U.S. Navy peon

Friday, October 28, 2011

How lazy has America become?

Let's face it, folks.  Americans, for the most part, are lazy.  Why walk 2 blocks to the store when you can drive?  Why cook a nice, relatively nutritious, home-made meal at home, when you can zip over to the nearest fast food grease joint and clog your arteries there?  I can (sorta) deal with those. 
HOWEVER...this one takes the cake:  I was walking into a local grocery store...let me call it "Really Large American National Bird", and saw a sign that made me shake my head in disbelief.  What did it say?  "European mixed hardwood" over a stack of firewood.  Right next to another stack with a sign that said "European White Birch".  ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?!?!?!  Now we are importing firewood?!  We have tons of people practically begging for jobs, and we have to send out for wood.  Instead of using an automated piece of machinery to split logs for firewood (yes, I know it's cheaper for the companies to use), put a few people to work chopping wood.  Not only would you be helping them by giving them a job, but you'd be making them healthier on top of it.  Is that BAD for America?  To most companies, it is: invest as little money as possible in material and employees, and sell for maximum profit.  I get that and understand that companies need to make money. 
On the other hand, if people aren't working, THEY aren't making money, and therefore have none to spend, and therefore are NOT going to buy your piece of crap Widget that cost you $1.00 to have built, and are selling for $30.00.  NOT GOING TO FUCKING HAPPEN!!!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Moving Really Sucks

We've all done it.  We'll all do it again.  And it really, really sucks a big one:  packing up all of your stuff into cardboard boxes of various sizes, renting a truck, putting all those boxes into the truck and driving to another location to unload the truck. 
If you're like us, you probably labeled each box with things like "kid's room", "bedroom", "kitchen", ect.  Those boxes went into the corresponding room, right?  And, if you've moved in the last year or probably still have stuff in those boxes.  However, we got a little sloppy this time.  We have a pile in the basement called "stuff".  This pile has anything that doesn't really fit into it's own category.  The problem also has things that DO fit into another category, but we were too rushed to go find room in one of the correct boxes.
Things are just backing up.  Kitchen cabinet shelves need the liners before stuff gets put on them, a dresser needs a drawer repaired, book shelves need the shelves back on (before the books go on, duh)'s a bit overwhelming.  Even more so, if you take into account the fact that there's a 19 month old running around and getting in the way.
Hopefully, our next move will be many years down the road.  Paula and I already made a promise to each other: Next time, we'll pack EVERYTHING up, and hire movers.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Bats and Spiders

I had an interesting encounter whilst walking the dog last night: I got brushed on the cheek by a bat.  It was one of the softest touches I've ever been touched by.  Softer than silk sheets, softer than a loving kiss by your partner.  It lasted just a fraction of a second, so quick that at first I doubted it happened, but then the bat flew right in front of my eyes.  I know some of you will recoil when you read this, but I thought it was just awesome. 
Think about how great bats are.  A single bat can eat up to 1200 mosquitoes in an hour!  Plus, some species are fruit or nectar eaters, so the help pollinate the plants and flowers.  Holy crap!  Yes, they could be filthy, but I think I'll take a dirty flying rat (basically) instead of around 1000 mosquitoes. 
This brings me to the next subject: spiders.  But before you brutally squish that eight-legged critter, think on this: they eat tons of bugs too.  I know some are just disgusting to look at, but what they do is incredible!  And their!  There's nothing quite so beautiful as a spider's web wet with dew first thing in the morning!

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Everyone is ignorant about something.  You, me, the neighbor, the person you buy coffee from on the way to work....everyone.  However, it is seeming that more and more people are becoming more and more stupid about driving.  Lets review a few items regarding driving, shall we?
First:  If you have trouble walking and chewing gum at the same time...HANG UP THAT FUCKING CELL PHONE!!!  More accidents are occurring because idiot drivers are yapping away and not paying attention to the road. are driving a piece of metal and plastic that weighs close to (or over) one ton.  If you aren't paying attention, that semi that out-weighs you by a factor of oodles (oodles = random double digit number) will drive over your expensive tiny import that you paid a lot of money for.  AND IT WILL BE ALL YOUR FAULT, MORON!!!!  Either that, or you will kill someone.  Hopefully yourself and remove your genes from the collective pool.  You win the Darwin Award!
Yesterday, some idiotic lady started turning left at an intersection.  Right in front of on-coming traffic.  She was on her phone, and had the balls to actually look surprised when people were honking at her.  I can't count the number of times someone blabbing away cruised right through a red light and almost hit another car.
Second: if the traffic lights at an intersection are totally out, TREAT IT LIKE A FOUR-WAY STOP, IDIOT!!!  Don't blissfully cruise on through like you own the entire road (trust me, you don't).  That is, unless you want a slightly delayed, yet rather interesting trip to the local emergency room.  And you don't mind paying the tons of hospital bills that you will get from the people you injur by your stupidity.  And your insurance rates going up (probably for the fifth or sixth time).
Third: I know that it's a complete and total surprise every year, but some people forget that yes it does indeed snow once in a while, but DON'T DRIVE 70 MILES AN HOUR ON THE FREEWAY IN THE FUCKING SNOW AND GO 30 MILES AN HOUR IN THE RAIN!!!  YOU HAVE IT BACKWARDS!!!!  It's because of idiots like you that there are wrecks on the freeway.  I grew up in Seattle (rain capital of the nation, apparently), and know how to drive in the rain.  People here in Ohio, I guess, forget every year, month and week, how to drive in falling water and decide to take it reeeeeeeaaaaal careful.  However, in the winter, they go as fast as they do in the summer, and are actually surprised when they are suddenly facing the opposite way, on the other side of the freeway, upside down.  I'm not saying they should drive 80 in the rain, but don't go 30 either.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Long Absence Explained

Hi all!  It's been a long time since my last post, and I apologize for that.  I've been spending most of my time trying to chase after a 15 old little girl.  That's teething.  And climbing.  And falling.  *Sigh*  I haven't read much lately, or seen much or listened to much, that isn't young child related.  However, Kiera absolutely loves The Backyardigans. 

Thursday, February 10, 2011

One Year Old!!

Aye, as hard as it is to believe it was one year ago today that my daughter was brought into this world.  The weather was rather similar, full of February snow, biting wind, and bone-chilling cold.  We had actually gone into the hospital the evening of the 8th, expecting to be induced that night.  However, with several other women coming in that were dialated several centimeters or whose water had already broken, we were pushed back.  We finally got a room on the 9th, fairly early if memory serves correctly.  I don't remember all the details, but I do remember that I was REALLY glad that OSU Hospital had a Wendy's that was open pretty much 24/7.  Anyway, after 31 hours of induction with no real results to speak of, it was decided that Paula would have a C-Section.  She was all drugged up, I was given the smock, hat, and mask.  They wheeled her into the operating room, and I was told to wait until they came for me.  Needless to say, I was extremely nervous, and resorted to pacing.  I think I made deals with every deity that came to mind, and some that I made up, to have my wife and child make it through this fine.  Finally, they came and got me.  The doctors were on one side of Paula (the side they needed to work on, obviously), and a sheet was up blocking Paula's sight and mine of the cutting area.  For some reason, they didn't want either of us to watch the cutting, because we might faint.  She might, but I find that kind of thing really fascinating.
Anyway, they brought me in just a couple minutes before the arrival.  I had a digital camera ready, and was perched on a stool.  I told Paula several times that I love her.  And then, the doctor said "here she comes".  I stood up and took a few pictures as Kiera Siobhan Bird was introduced to the world.  Eight pounds, eight ounces of bloody, screaming beauty.  So gorgeous.  I knew right then of what new fathers talk about...that tugging of the heartstrings, the melting of whatever ice they have about them, warming to a snug, cozy fire that the child will always be safe near.
I cried.  I admit it, I cried.  Seeing such a beautiful little that I will do anything for.  One that I will (groan) buy tutus and ballerina outfits for.
Due to a mis-communication between me and a drugged-out Paula ( I was wrong, of course), it was 3 hours later that mommy and baby finally got to see each other.

It was a few days before we got to take her home.  Lola, the dog, was REEEEEAAALLLLYYY inquisitive about the new "thing" we brought home.  She put her front feet on a chair and looked into the bassinet several times, wagging her tail.  Whenever Kiera cried, Lola would come running, like "what's wrong, can I help?"  Now?  It's more like "Oh kid, be quiet."  Of course, now that Kiera's walking, Lola has to run upstairs if she wants a reprieve.  Needless to say, Lola spends most of her time on either our bed or the spare.
Yes, she's walking.  She took a few tentative steps at Christmas, then really got going at Grandma and Grandpa Bird's in Iowa.  Now, she walks wherever she wants to go.

This year has been nothing but firsts for us: First baby, first crawling, walking, meeting doggy, LONG trip in car.  It hasn't all been roses, but it's been nowhere near sewer either.  Except for that hot-dog issue a few nights ago...PEEEEEEW!!!

And so, to my baby girl, I wish a very happy first birthday, I love you very much.  To all my friends and facebook friends that read this, I welcome your comments.