We've all done it. We'll all do it again. And it really, really sucks a big one: packing up all of your stuff into cardboard boxes of various sizes, renting a truck, putting all those boxes into the truck and driving to another location to unload the truck.
If you're like us, you probably labeled each box with things like "kid's room", "bedroom", "kitchen", ect. Those boxes went into the corresponding room, right? And, if you've moved in the last year or so...you probably still have stuff in those boxes. However, we got a little sloppy this time. We have a pile in the basement called "stuff". This pile has anything that doesn't really fit into it's own category. The problem is...it also has things that DO fit into another category, but we were too rushed to go find room in one of the correct boxes.
Things are just backing up. Kitchen cabinet shelves need the liners before stuff gets put on them, a dresser needs a drawer repaired, book shelves need the shelves back on (before the books go on, duh)...it's a bit overwhelming. Even more so, if you take into account the fact that there's a 19 month old running around and getting in the way.
Hopefully, our next move will be many years down the road. Paula and I already made a promise to each other: Next time, we'll pack EVERYTHING up, and hire movers.
thumbs up to that! This time I hired movers and I think it was the best decision I made. It took them 4 hours including drive time to move all my furniture and most of the boxes.