At times, life really sucks dead whale dick. I was let go from my previous job because I'm a big guy, talk loud....and therefore intimidated people. That was October 2010. I had one job from December 2011 to Feb 2012...a contract job that I had hoped would turn permanent. It didn't. Then in June 2012, I got a part time job at a deli, and another part time job at a dine-in theater. The theater started giving me TONS of hours, so I quit the deli. Now, it's come to this: the theater has WAY over-spent the hours it has for us schlubs in the kitchen, so our hours have gone from 48+ all the way down to 16-24. At $8.50 an hour, with a kid and a pregnant just doesn't work. A good chunk of wifey's check goes to insurance.
Rent. Cable/internet. Car insurance. Electric. Gas. Gasoline. Water/sewer/trash. Misc bills. School loans. Credit cards.
It just keeps adding water to our pool, and we're chained to the bottom in the deep end. Right now, the water is up to our chins, and still rising.
I can't quit my job, because I won't get unemployment for self-termination. I'm looking desperately for a new one, but the job market is still VERY poor right now, and with the exception of one nibble on my resume, I've had nothing from anyone.
I really hate this existence sometimes. Makes me wish that the "Next World" that the Mayans predicted would in-fact come true.
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