Let me say first, that I am a Veteran. I joined the U.S. Navy to serve and protect this country and Her freedoms from foreign AND domestic peoples and groups that seek to diminish them.
As a Vet, am I aggrieved to see people sitting and kneeling during the National Anthem? Of course. But also, as a Vet, I see it as a First Amendment action that should not be infringed upon. These sports players want to protest peacefully. They have a grievance about this country. Let them speak it, not shut them up.
I, too, have a grievance about this country: the people "in charge" are not listening to the common people....the people they are supposed to represent. ALL the people, not just the wealthy, the white, the businesses.
Trump wants to punish people that "disrespect" the flag and country. You know what other countries do that? North Korea. Iran. Syria. Saudi Arabia. China. How does it feel to be classified with those countries? You Republicans enjoy that? Anyone that speaks out gets fired, fined, or put in prison. You cheer about that now, but what would you have done if those rules were being put into effect while Obama was in office? You would have been screaming as loud as you could about it being unconstitutional.
That is another grievance with this country and it's "leaders".
You conservatives insist on bringing Christianity back into schools, forcing ALL students to participate, and shutting out any others: Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Paganism. This is sounding more and more like the Christian version of Sharia Law. You know what happens there? You don't belong to the "state sanctioned religion"? Prison. Fined. .....Executed.
Another grievance.
You might be thinking: oh this guy's just another liberal whining about anything. Maybe I am whining about what's happening. If this was happening to you, not the "other side", I'm sure you would be whining as well. In fact, you whined non-stop during the entire Obama presidency. For what reason? He was black.
You whined. You whined because "he's from Africa", "he's a Muslim", "he's not an American". Translation: he was black. An educated black. Multiple degrees, a lawyer, congressman. Stayed above insults directed at him, didn't offer any in return.
Now, you have a draft dodger, no political history, verified liar, GAME SHOW HOST, that insults anyone and everyone. So much so, that another country is about ready to shoot nuclear missiles at us.
And you are ok with this....why? Is this really what America has come to?
You people are upset with the way these sports people are treating the flag. I get that. I understand it. As I said, I'm a veteran. However, all you with the Stars and stripes on your headbands, jackets, shorts, shirts....all of that is against the Flag Code you so vehemently scream you are defending.
Don't believe me? Here. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Flag_Code
So. Am I upset with them kneeling? Yes. Am I going to do anything about it? No. They are protesting, and protesting peacefully.
They have that right.
I helped them get it and keep it.
I am a Veteran.
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