Thursday, November 4, 2010

Concert review: Gwar

Yeah, I went to see Gwar last week.  My hearing is finally back to normal.  Mostly.  Gwar's new album, Bloody Pit of Horror, doesn't come out until November 9th...but that doesn't stop them from touring to promote it.  This is the second year of their 25th Anniversary, and it was well worth the cash for the ticket.
The first band, Mobile Deathcamp, is a band from Toledo here in Ohio.  For a three person band, they have a very full sound, awesome lyrics (from what I could understand), and great guitar riffs.  Of course, the lead guitarist used to be the bassist for Gwar (Beefcake the Mighty), so there's great talent there.  They opened for Gwar last time they toured, and will hopefully headline sometime soon.
The second band, Infernaeon from Florida, was everything a death metal band can be: shredding riffs, pounding bass, and growling vocals.  They were very good, and I hope to see them again next time they come through.  They're a five piece band, and they were rather cramped on the small Newport stage, but they did great with such a small space.
The third band, The Casualties, would seem to be the odd-group out.  Hailing from New York City, they are a punk band, complete with spikey hair.  At first, I wasn't that impressed with them, but they really grew on me.  I don't really know how to describe it, other than punk.  Again, this is a band I'm really wanting to see again.
Now we get to the headliner: Gwar.  This band, if you haven't heard of them, is all about politically incorrectness.  They don't care who they offend, anything is open.  For a complete "history" of the band, you can go here: .  They have characters come out on stage, and everyone is done up in latex and rubber costumes, including the band.  The concert I attended started out simple enough.  They're promoting the new album, Bloody Pit of Horror with the first single, "Zombies, March".  Keeping that in mind, you'll understand why when the lights went out in the Newport Concert Hall, the song "Thriller" by Michael Jackson started playing.  Two zombies came out on stage, followed shortly by the band. 
Now, I should mention at this point that any characters, and occasionally the lead singer, come on stage trailing hoses.  When a character is "killed", "blood" squirts from the neck or body.  This is a water soluable solution tinged either red or green, depending on who/what gets "killed". 
Ok, back to the concert.  Oderus Urungus, the lead singer, came out with his sword and "decapitated" the zombies, thus starting the actual concert.  Also "killed" was Sarah Palin, and Lady Ga-Ga (Oderus called her Lady Gay-Ga), and a recurring character, Bonesnapper the troll (he had the green blood).
The last Gwar concert I went to, I went in the mosh pit for about 3 minutes, and got hit in the face, resulting in a bloody nose.  This time, I must confess, I was in the pit from the very beginning.  I got hit with the "blood" spray from everything that was "killed", and the "blood" cannon.  Most true fans wear white t-shirts, and show off the "bloody" shirt with pride.  However, I learned from my mistake last year: even though I dried it first, it still came clean in the wash.  This time, I don't think I'm gonna wash it.  I'm gonna keep it for next time.
To be in a Gwar mosh pit is to literally court injury.  So many people are bunched up together, pushing around so the entire mob sways from side to side and front to back in massive waves.  It's hot, humid, and VERY VERY close.  So close that, if people were naked, it would be considered...kinky.  THAT close.  However, Gwar fans are some of the best sports around, and go out of their way to help people back up if someone falls down.  And Gwar is definately NOT just for guys, there were plenty of women there, including a lady that was about 50 years old attending her first Gwar show.
Needless to say, I've had my adrenalin/death-thrill for a while.  At least until next year.